A Review of MedOne Radiology
Lisa Adriani, MLS
Research and Instruction Librarian
Edward and Barbara Netter Library
Quinnipiac University
MedOne Radiology is an online resource from Thieme featuring radiology content with ebooks, cases, images, videos, and study questions on one platform. MedOne Radiology is a part of Thieme’s MedOne product line. Over 186 current books are included with over 200 former editions available. There are over 154,000 images from the texts offered with just under 800 video clips. Over 3,900 patient cases are included. Six journal titles are available as well as a Q&A Bank with over 2,000 questions.
MedOne Radiology aims to provide radiology residents, third- and fourth-year medical students, and practicing clinicians with practical content to stay on top of new technology and advancements in the field. The notable items in this resource are the books, board exams, and core texts. MedOne Radiology is updated on an ongoing basis. When new items are available, they are added to the platform.

A Review of MedOne Neurosurgery
Jamie Saragossi, MLS
Head of the Health Sciences Library
Stony Brook University
MedOne Neurosurgery is a collection of content tailored to neurosurgeons and neurosurgical training programs available on a platform with additional resources and customizable functionality. The MedOne Neurosurgery platform provided by Thieme Medical Publishers includes ebooks, e-journals, neurosurgical procedures, clinical cases, multimedia content, and some question-and-answer style review. Individual log-in is required to access the review functionality as it will link back to relevant sections of the available texts when further reading is required. Thieme is well known for the illustrations in their atlases, which is of the utmost importance in the highly specialized field of neurosurgery. The editorial board for MedOne Neurosurgery is comprised of practicing neurosurgeons and teaching faculty from around the world.
Core texts for the neurosurgical specialty are included in this package such as Handbook of Neurosurgery, 9th edition, Greenberg (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2020) and Color Atlas of Neurology, 2nd edition, Rohkamm (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2014). New titles and new editions of existing titles are added to the package as they become available. The e-journal collection offers access to nine Thieme published e-journals focused specifically on neurology such as Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports and Neurology International Open. The e-journal content begins with access in 1999 and continues through the most recent issue of the journal. The additional resources outside of the ebook and e-journal content are considered part of the “Training Center.” The “Training Center” includes the procedures, clinical cases, Q&A, and multimedia content. The procedures section contains step-by-step guided instruction for over 400 surgical procedures. The cases provide an overview of the diagnosis and treatment recommendations while linking to primary references for additional information. The question-and-answer review is specifically geared toward the American Board of Neurological Surgery licensing exam and contains over 1,500 review questions. There are over 100,000 images and 1,500 videos available across the different content areas on the MedOne Neurosurgery platform.