What’s New and UpComing???
1. New iReader (to replace iViewer) – Live now in beta version
- Look for the icon below and once click will bring you to the new reader
Now available for the following publisher
- BEP (887)
- HART (1490)
- ISEAS (852)
- MP 464
- New reader is not image file and the font will stay sharp even when you enlarge the size
2. New Subject Collection
(based on BISAC – https://bisg.org/page/BISACEdition) – beta stage
- Login using ID/PW to preview – bisac/bisac
- It will be easier for user to browse their subject and find title closely related to their study or research. BISAC data comes from author and publisher so it’s highly accurate and a good match to the subject matter
- BISAC data will be available in SIP as well
3. Other new feature for IG Library Portal
- New Publisher Filter
- Chapter Download – Text PDF with minimal watermark for better reading and accessibility
4. New Sales Information Portal (SIP) – Beta stage
- New look for Sales Information Portal (SIP) after new CIP and IG Library Portal, we will let you know once it’s ready for preview