Hublet Solution has improved patients well-being at Laakso Hospital in Helsinki
Patients enjoy using Hublet Tablets
Patients at the Laakso Hospital have said Hublet is fantastically easy to use and they like that they can make their own choices about what to watch or do, compared to traditional communal entertainment – for example where all patients may not want to watch the same TV show. Thanks to the Hublet Solution, this challenge has been solved. “The patients really appreciate Hublet. Especially since there’s no television, there’s only a radio in the patient rooms. They really appreciate being able to watch television and resume the routine they had at home. I really think they do enjoy it.” – says Karel Suvitie, a nurse supervising the use of the Hublet Solution. Hublet provides convenient mobility, communication with loved ones, access to relevant information and systems – all with the help of a bigger screen compared to personal mobile phone’s small screen – delivering significant positive benefits to the hospital.

The Hublet Solution was familiar to Helsinki City as it’s been in use in Oodi Library and was subsequently presented to the staff of Laakso Hospital. A pilot was then made in a trauma rehabilitation ward where the users were youth patients. After a successful pilot, Hublet Solution was extended to the entire Laakso Hospital. Now, on average, each ward has three Hublet Tablets and a Hublet Smart Docking Station.
Positive experience from the staff
Staff were initially skeptical of Hublet’s performance in the hospital environment; however, since the beginning, Hublet’s ease of use and overall benefits have strengthened the staff’s positive experience. “Technical guidance, support and information have also come quickly from Hublet, and the cooperation has been effortless and uncomplicated”, says Department Manager Päivi Hemming. They also appreciate how easy it is to clean and disinfect the tablets for the hospital environment. In terms of the security of data privacy and theft prevention, the staff felt it is safe to use Hublet. “The tablets have been configured to not work outside of the Wi-Fi here in the hospital, so there haven’t been any troubles with the security of the tablets.”, says Suvitie.
Easily customized, and specific content for different patient groups also provides a further usage case for the Hublet Solution in the hospital environment. Hublet has facilitated the well-being of patients during a pandemic in many ways, such as for entertainment and for contact with relatives especially considering visiting restrictions have kept appointments to a minimum. “I think most patients use the tablets for entertainment purposes, for example, Yle Areena programs are really popular, some patients watch Youtube as well.” – adds Suvitie.
Future use of Hublet Solution in Laakso Hospital
For future use, Laakso Hospital will diversify the contents for an even larger group and learn to use all the possibilities offered by the Hublet Solution even more extensively. The possibility of deploying library services within the Hospital brings a completely new dimension to their use, for example in the form of e-books.
Laakso Hospital staff feel that Hublet has broadened their thinking about how a digital solution can support and facilitate rehabilitation. They are also willing to recommend its use to their medical colleagues globally. “Hublet is a functional solution at Laakso Hospital and we have been happy about this among the staff and patients, given the great feedback it has received”, concludes Hemming.