Forecast International Inc. (FI) is a veteran-owned business headquartered in Newtown, Connecticut, in the United States. The company is a premier provider of market intelligence forecasting, proprietary research and consulting services for the worldwide Aerospace, Defense, Electronics and Power Systems industries.
FI was founded in 1973 by a former U.S. Air Force officer who obtained an MBA after retirement, then combined the business principles of this discipline with his continuing interest in aerospace and related military and civil industries. In its early days, the company pioneered some new methods of forecasting and was, in fact, the first to develop the concept that sufficient forward-looking data existed to enable it to provide rational 10-year forecasts for the aerospace and related industries it covered.
A major step in the company’s growth was taken in 1989, when Forecast International acquired the assets of DMS Inc. from its main competitor, Jane’s Information Group, then headquartered in the United Kingdom. This asset, combined with a number of smaller acquisitions, enabled the firm to continue the development and expansion of its product line so that it soon covered the bulk of the industries producing platforms and systems within the overall Aerospace/Defense, Power Systems, and Electronics arena.
Since then, FI’s analysts have compiled and evaluated historical and current data for use in generating accurate forecasts of industry products and programs, and have earned widespread recognition for unmatched service and expertise. Simply stated, the company’s philosophy of operation is to make the future as predictable as possible, and to support its forecasts with relevant data as well as a forecast rationale.
At its headquarters, FI employs a staff of experienced analysts who specialize in one or more areas of the world industries covered by the company. The analysts are complemented by staff who perform various support functions. In addition, the company draws upon various offsite analysts, information providers, and independent sales representatives in key countries of the world.