Green Nanomaterials

From bioinspired synthesis to sustainable manufacturing of inorganic nanomaterials

Editor (s) : Siddharth V Patwardhan & Sarah S Staniland

Publisher IOP Publishing Ltd
Publication December 2019
Copyright Year 2019
ISBN (Online) 978-0-7503-1221-9
ISBN (Print) 978-0-7503-1222-6
Page 231
Language English


This book covers emerging bioinspired green methods for preparing inorganic nanomaterials. The book starts with an introduction to the principles of green chemistry and engineering, and highlights the special properties that nanomaterials possess, their applications and ways to characterise them. It describes conventional methods of synthesising and manufacturing inorganic nanomaterials, and introduces biological and biomimetic/bioinspired synthetic methods as a solution to precisely control nanomaterials and design sustainable manufacturing routes. The book elaborates on various mechanisms and examples of green nanomaterials, including the role of organic matrix and natural self-assembly, and advantages and opportunities with green nanomaterials. Two case studies of magnetic and silica materials are provided for advanced readers. The book is an insightful reference text for researchers focusing on synthetic biology and nanomaterials. It is an essential title for postgraduates and final-year undergraduates studying advanced materials, sustainable engineering or environmental chemistry.