CABI is a not-for-profit international organization that improves people’s lives by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. Our mission and direction is influenced by our member countries who help guide the activities we undertake. These include scientific publishing, development projects and research, and microbial services.
CABI produce key scientific publications, including CAB Abstracts – the world-leading database covering agriculture and environment. CABI also publish multimedia compendia, books, ebooks and full text electronic resources aiming to further science and its application to real life. Behind each of the products is a team of subject specialists committed to delivering the most relevant and authoritative information to researchers worldwide. The expertise includes agriculture, animal and veterinary sciences, environmental sciences, human health, food and nutrition, leisure and tourism, microbiology and parasitology, and plant sciences.

CABI Publishing offers :
- AgBiotechNet
- Animal Science
- Environmental Impact
- Forest Science
- Horticultural Science
- Leisure Tourism
- Nutrition and Food Sciences
- VetMed Resource.
Subject Area Covered :
- Agriculture & International Development
- Animal Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Human Sciences
- Leisure & Tourism
- Plant Sciences

CABI’s mission is to improve people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.

CABI is an inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization established by a United Nations treaty-level agreement between 49 Member Countries and is governed by the membership, an independent board.

Membership of CABI gives national governments a leadership role in directing and influencing the global development agenda through the work of the organization and its international network of partners.

Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, our annual review tells the stories of our projects and the impact they have on farmers, extension workers, scientists, policy makers and professional practitioners. It also reports our financial results.

The policies that guide our working practices including the code of business conduct, procurement, bribery, whistle blowing and strategies on gender.

CABI offers over a century of scientific endeavour. Since its beginnings in 1910, CABI has developed into a truly international development-led organization, supported by both a first-class publishing division and a solid scientific research base.