Warships Forecast
Authored by Stuart Slade, this service contains 88 reports on major submarine, aircraft carrier, surface combatant, amphibious warfare, and underway replenishment programs slated to dominate the warship industry over the next decade and beyond. Also included are reports covering the marine gas turbine engines that power today’s warships. Reports feature a full design history of the ship, a listing of major contractors/component suppliers, and a wealth of information on the ship’s performance and operational capabilities. Includes reports covering key naval weapons and unmanned surface and subsurface vehicles. Four Analyses cover the markets for Submarines, Naval Surface Combatants, Marine Gas Turbines, and Aircraft Carriers and Amphibious Warfare Ships. Nine appendices include consolidated production statistics, a listing of U.S. Navy ships currently in construction, and overviews of today’s Naval Surface Warfare Systems and Undersea Warfare Systems.