Short-Range Micro-Motion Sensing with Radar Technology

Editors : Changzhan Gu & Jaime Lien

Publisher The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET)
Publication Year 2019
eISBN 9781785617614
ISBN 9781785617607
Page 600
Language English


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Human hands are natural tools for performing actions and gestures that interact with the physical world. Radar technology allows for touchless wireless gesture sensing by transmitting radio frequency (RF) signals to the target, analyzing the backscattering reflections to extract the target’s movements, and thereby accurately detecting gestures for Human Computer Interaction (HCI). A key advantage of this technology is that it allows interaction with machines without any need to attach a sensing device to the hands. Led by researchers from Google’s Project Soli, the authors introduce the concept and underpinning technology, cover all design phases, and provide researchers and professionals with the latest advances and innovations in microwave and millimeter wave radar sensing to capture relative movements such as micro gestures.