Pythagoras' Legacy

Author : Marcel Danesi

Publisher Oxford University Press
Publication 2020
ISBN 9780198852247
eISBN 9780191886959
Page 192
Language English


As the famous Pythagorean statement reads, ‘Number rules the universe’, and its veracity is proven in the many mathematical discoveries that have accelerated the development of science, engineering, and even philosophy.

In this book, Marcel Danesi presents a historical overview of the ten greatest achievements in mathematics, and dynamically explores their importance and effects on our daily lives. Considered as a chain of events rather than isolated incidents, Danesi takes us from the beginnings of modern day mathematics with Pythagoras, through the concept of zero, right the way up to modern computational algorithms.

Loaded with thought-provoking practical exercises and puzzles, Pythagoras’ Legacy allows the reader to apply their knowledge and discover the significance of mathematics in their everyday lives.