Medical and Educational Perspectives on Nonverbal Learning Disability in Children and Young Adults

Barbara Rissman (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Indexed In: SCOPUS
Release Date : September, 2015  |  Copyright : © 2016  |  Pages : 404
ISBN13 : 9781466695399  |  ISBN10 : 1466695390  |  EISBN13 : 9781466695405  |  DOI : 10.4018/978-1-4666-9539-9
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A Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) is a serious and complex developmental disability that persists into adulthood. Children and young adults affected face many difficulties not experienced by those with a language-based learning disability. Diagnosis of NLD is often difficult because fluent speech usually coexists with functional deficits that, if not identified and managed, can adversely affect developmental and educational achievement, and the young person’s social and emotional well-being through the lifespan.

Medical and Educational Perspectives on Nonverbal Learning Disability in Children and Young Adults is a comprehensive reference source for emerging research into the identification and diagnosis of a Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD), as well as intervention for those affected. Featuring in-depth coverage of a variety of topics relating to NLD indicators, the disability’s manifestation over time, and the dilemmas faced by caregivers and professionals, this publication is a critical resource for educators, medical professionals, allied health professionals, and disability service providers whose role includes advocacy and provision of appropriate support for those affected.