Developmental Challenges and Societal Issues for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities

Author (s) : Rejani Thudalikunnil Gopalan

Publisher IGI Global: Business Science Reference
Publication Year 2019
Copyright Year 2020
eBook ISBN 13 9781799812241
ISBN13 9781799812234
Page 416
Language English
Category: Tag:


This book is a comprehensive academic resource that examines treatment and rehabilitation options for those who have intellectual disabilities and examines educational, vocational, and psychosocial needs that can improve quality of life for these individuals. Featuring a range of topics such as comorbidities, epidemiology, and stigma, this book is ideal for psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychiatric nurses, clinicians, special ed teachers, social workers, hospital administrators, mental health specialists, managers, academicians, rehabilitation centers, researchers, and students.