Adhesive bonding has been used in the manufacture of primary aircraft fuselage and wing structures by various constructors since 1945. By a proper design, adhesive bonding often helps in designing structures mechanically equivalent to or even stronger than conventional assemblies.
Adhesive Joining of Structural Components: New Insights and Technologies introduces the reader to some recent progress involved in adhesive joining of structural components. The chapters, seminal SAE International technical papers, cover the most recent advances in adhesive materials, surface preparation and controls, innovative bonding technologies, hybrid bonded/bolted joints, non-destructive testing and failure modelling of adhesively bonded joints.
Edited by Dr. Alessandro Pegoretti, Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Trento, Italy, Adhesive Joining of Structural Components: New Insights and Technologies is a must-read resource for those interested in the field of adhesive joining of structural components, which will assume an increasingly important role in designing and manufacturing lightweight structures. In fact, recent advancements in adhesives, methods for surface preparation and control, bonding technologies, non-destructive testing and modelling of failure mechanisms will certainly contribute to revitalize this relatively “mature” assembling technique.