The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) is the best research tool for all of today’s hottest computing topics—including cybersecurity, big data, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and predictive analytics—along with an unparalleled archive of invaluable research.
The Content You Need
- Unlimited, full-text access to over 800,000 top-quality articles and papers.
- 42 peer-reviewed periodicals, with complete archives.
- More than 9,000 conference publications.
- Access online publications before printed issues (sometimes months in advance!).
Superior Features
- Responsive interface for use on desktop and mobile devices.
- Free RSS feeds notify your users of newly added content of interest.
- Daily updates, including preprints for all periodicals, allow for immediate access to new articles.
- Multiple options for searching and browsing to serve various needs.
- Clickable math in all HTML documents enables users to cut and paste equations and formulas for immediate use.
- Multimedia and web extras for select articles provide a deeper understanding of the research.
- A customizable welcome message for your institution is automatically generated.
- Download citations in multiple formats makes creating bibliographic references easier.
- ACM metadata exchange allows for single searches across both collections.
- OpenURL and XML Gateway enabled to lead your users to the appropriate resource.
The Premier Organization for Computing Professionals
As the world’s top member organization dedicated to computer science and technology, the IEEE Computer Society advances the theory, design, practice, and application of computer and information-processing science and technology, as well as the professional standing of its members.