Dr. Lee Chu Keong
Dr Lee is currently the programme director of the MSc (Knowledge Management) programme at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He is a chemical engineer by training, but furthered his studies in the areas of information science and knowledge management. In addition to NTU, he has also held teaching positions at the Singapore and Temasek Polytechnics. His current teaching assignments include graduate courses in the areas of knowledge management, business information sources and services, special libraries and data science.

Dr. Rashidah Bolhassan
Rashidah specialises in knowledge management and throughout her professional career; she has been entrusted to set up, transform, market andlead knowledge organizations. Her other strengths are in the fields of humancentred information systems, human resource capacity building, promotion and marketing, and cultural heritage management.
With her visionary expectations of knowledge organizations’ role in societal development, she was awarded one of the first fellows for IFLA/OCLC in 2001.
She was the CEO of Sarawak State Library (2003-2020), and prior to that, she served in various capacities, locally and internationally. Rashidah was voted as Chair for Council of State Library Directors, Malaysia, in 2006 – 2009, and again in 2013 till 2020. She was appointed as a Member of Sarawak State’s Women Council (MWKS), elected as President of Librarians Association of Malaysia (PPM) 2020-2022, and voted as a Member of IFLA’s Reading and Literacy Standing Committee (2017-2022). She is also one of the corresponding members of IFLA Indigenous Matters Section. In April 2020, she was appointed as Board Member, Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). Acknowledging her major contributions to her profession, the School of Information Management (UiTM), appointed her as industry advisor, and National Library Malaysia appointed her as Mentor to ASEAN-INELI, an innovation initiative, to represent Malaysia. She has presented more than 30 papers at national and international seminars and conferences.
In her free time, she is a network conduit for volunteers serving the marginalised communities, initiated a food bank branch in Kuching, an active advocate on age concern awareness, are amongst her community contributions. She believes in environmental impact on community well being and is a strong proponent on community exercise and health awareness programs. She was awarded state and national accolades as recognitions for her contributions. She is a Melanau, married with three children, and blessed with three granddaughters.

Dr. Wong Woei Fuh
Dr Woei Fuh is a manager of iGroup Asia, leading a team of consultants. His team provides citation analysis and outreaching services to improve researchers’ visibility. Before this, he worked for Web of Science, and he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Manchester.

Dr. Diljit Singh
Dr Diljit recently retired from the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he served for 19+ years. Diljit was also previously Deputy Dean (Postgraduate) at the Faculty. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Philippines Diliman in Manila.Prior to joining the university, Diljit first served as a high school teacher, later as Assistant Director in the Pahang State Education Department, and then at the Aminuddin Baki Institute, Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
Diljit holds a Bachelor of Science and a Diploma in Education from the University of Malaya, and a Master of Science and a Ph.D. from Florida State University, USA.
Diljit is active in library associations at the local and international levels. He is the Chair of the Research Committee of the Librarians’ Association of Malaysia. At the international level, he is the Immediate Past President of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL). He has previously served on the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ (IFLA) Standing Committees for Asia-Oceania, and for School Libraries. Diljit is currently a member of the IFLA Journal Editorial Board, and IFLA’s Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) Working Group. He was also recently elected to the IFLA Section on Library Theory and Research.
His professional interests include information literacy, management of libraries and information services, school libraries, LIS education, and the promotion of research. He also has a keen interest in the effective and efficient use of information for socio-economic development.

Dr. Ida Fajar Priyanto
Dr. Ida Fajar Priyanto is currently a teaching staff at Gadjah Mada University, Graduate School of Library and Information Science and associate researcher at the Southeast Asian Social Studies Center at the same university. He speaks in various international conferences, including IFLA and ALA and has published several book chapters in IGI Global and deGruyter Saur.
Ida graduated from School of Information Science, University of North Texas, USA. Earlier, he studied at Loughborough University of Technology and University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in the UK; while his undergraduate was from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia.

Prof. Sharon Maria S. Esposo-Betan
Prof. Sharon Ma. S. Esposo-Betan is the Head Librarian of the University of the Philippines – College of Engineering Libraries. UP is the Philippines’ premier state university with 8 constituent universities spread across 15 campuses all over the country. The flagship campus is located in Diliman, Quezon City and is composed of almost 50 percent of the entire UP System student population. The College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines Diliman is the largest degree-granting unit in the whole UP System in terms of student-faculty population.
Her more than 15 years in the field of librarianship and information service ushered her to teaching in the UP School of Library and Information Studies as a Senior Lecturer where she handles graduate courses on information science, information technology, collection development and management and information systems planning and management.
Prof. Esposo-Betan is always on the lookout for better ways of doing things. “Innovate. Re-Create, Collaborate” – 3 big words she considers as her mantra. She has been instrumental in the success of many innovative library modernization projects, including joint projects with other agencies/organization.
With her innovations and contribution to the University of the Philippines, Prof. Esposo-Betan has been awarded the UP Gawad Chancellor Award, the most prestigious award given to a UP professional staff for excellence and exemplary performance. With her expertise in IT applications in Libraries, she has been a well sought resource person and a speaker in various seminars, workshops, and conferences for different professional library associations and organizations in the Philippines. Currently, she is the President of the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians in the Philippines or PAARL. PAARL is an association of librarians working in academic and research libraries that support scholarly research and formal education in the tertiary level, and uphold the profession of librarianship in the country.
Ms. Esposo-Betan earned her Bachelor and Master degrees in Library and Information Science from the University of the Philippines Diliman.